School’s out!

Good-bye, 4th grade! Adios, 7th grade!

It’s the last day of school in our little corner of the world, and there was much smiling and cavorting this morning in my house. Forget the Queen’s upcoming Jubilee or the Summer Olympics– there’s no celebration in the world that matches the unbridled joy of the last day of school. The entire summer, with all its laziness and promise, awaits.The official countdown has been on for days, of course, with my little darlings and our best-friend/teacher-at-the-jail-school quizzing each other constantly to make sure each one of the gleeful trio knows just how many days of imprisonment were left in the 2012 school year. They do this every year, snickering to themselves as we approach single-digit days left, while I roll my eyes and wonder how I’m going to amuse these monkeys all summer.

This is the first year that I haven’t approached the end of school with a bit of dread. I’m quite happy about that. Usually, I get a little panicky at the idea of 10 weeks of unscheduled sloth. I’m a creature of habit who likes a routine, and summer is anything but structured.

This year, however, I don’t mind the idea of unstructured time. In fact, it’s probably a really good thing — for all of us.

I’ll keep some of the same routines — swallowing my daily dose of Tamoxifen with my cup of coffee, watering plants, going to the gym — while letting the rest of them go. No alarm clocks other than a hungry little piggie requesting breakfast, no lunches to pack, no carpool to drive.

I’ll make my kids groan by insisting they spend a little time every day reading. Macy is finishing up this series, and we’ll soon be on the hunt for the next set of great books. Payton will pretend he’s annoyed by the daily reading time but will soon be swept away by this book or the scuttlebutt about whether there will be another installation in this series. Hopefully I’ll get some reading time in, too, as my list of books to read is long.

We’re kicking off the summer tonight with a celebration of with our sweet friends and their newly minted high school graduate. Corks will be flying and tissues will be passed as we toast this charming young lady who has nothing but great things ahead of her. Tomorrow will be yet another celebration as I turn a year older and celebrate the fact that I’m alive & kicking. It’ll be a total birthday weekend, followed by the first trip of the summer.

We’ll be heading to the Hill Country to enjoy (?) the sights & sounds of Schlitterbahn. My kids have been wanting to do this for years, but being the stick-in-the-mud-amusement-park-hating kind of mom that I am, I’ve always deferred. This year, it’s on! Thanks to some skillful peer pressure exerted by a certain wily trio of suburban at-home moms, my kids will finally get to experience the thrills & chills of this famed waterpark. The crowds! The onslaught of strangers’ kids! The vast bodies of communal water! Oh, joy.

In a couple of weeks my brother and his two kids will be heading to the great state of Texas from the Garden State. We’ll have five days of sun & fun and cousin immersion. What a great way to get the summer started! The day they leave, I leave for my annual trip with the Duke girls. This year we’re going back to Captiva Island, in Florida, for some kid-free R&R.

At some point in the near future we hope to head to Corpus Christi to see our dear friends’ new home. We miss them every day of the week, so getting to see their new house & pool and catch up on some long-overdue visiting will be fun, fun, fun.

Hopefully we’ll be making a return trip to the lovely Tyler, Texas, in July. Tyler is the site of the Texas East Little League All Stars tournament, to which my slugger’s team has earned a trip the last two years. Making it a three-peat would be a great way to close out the Little League experience.

We’ll be taking our annual trip to Salisbury Beach, of course. This trip is eagerly anticipated all year long, and once school ends, the countdown to the beach trip begins in earnest. Escaping the Texas heat and hanging on the beach with our second family is the best part of summer. I’ll be sure to post dispatches from the East Coast on how low the humidity is and how many lobsters we consume, don’t worry.

It’s shaping up to be a great summer.

13 Comments on “School’s out!”

  1. David Benbow says:

    Hooray for you guys! My kids still have 2 weeks and can’t wait. Happy summer to Payton and Macy, happy (early) birthday to you, and enjoy your many trips (I don’t guess you could squeeze in one to beat the heat in Minnesota?).


  2. billgncs says:

    I remember being young, and the summers seeming to last forever and a day.

  3. Jan Baird says:

    What a fun summer you have planned, Nancy. May you enjoy every minute on the East Coast–and also your visits in Texas. Payton and Macy must be so excited. xx

  4. Eddie says:

    I’m glad to hear you are not starting the countdown to the first day of school just yet. It’s been a long year here at the “jail school” and I am as eager as your monkeys for RandR even if this summer has a lot more work in it than usual. Cheers to the graduate and to you, we can drink bubbly today and tomorrow (and the next day, and the next day . . .)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful summer in the works. Enjoy the unstructured pleasures and your personal routine. If I can remember back to my school days, summer was fantastic but by the end I was always itching to go back to school & see my friends. 🙂 Thanks for this post, it was a pleasure to read.


  6. mmr says:

    Ahh, the promise of summer. When you are looking forward to the promise of something you have come a long way forward on your “journey”, so I hope you enjoy each and every wonderful minute of it. And you’re brave to face Schlitterbahn and the crowds! (Though I was born in Fredericksburg, TX, and small town people, in their own snobbish way, don’t consider that the hill country; it really starts over in Johnson City, about where the buffalo hang out on LBJ’s ranch…haha). Hope you keep writing throughout the summer, although don’t rub it in too much about the cool time in MA! And happy, happy day and “new year” to you tomorrow. Keep your head up and keep swimmin with that little piggy.

  7. Lauren says:

    I am sitting here in complete envy of your calender…I need to take a lesson from you and enjoy it as it as I see the end of it taking my son to a college far far away….

  8. Marie says:

    I can catch your summer excitement all the way over here in ireland 🙂 Have a wonderful summer and make lots and lots of happy memories xxx

  9. […] out for summer and Nancy‘s anticipation and excitement at the summer days ahead is infectious. “When you are […]

  10. elizabeth connolly says:

    Sounds like a wonderful summer especially your visit to Salisbury Beach. We all here can’t wait till you get here. Congrats on the ability to enjoy some unstructured time. Take it a “Day at a Time” as a great organization advises. Love to all !!!!Bettyanne

  11. Enjoy all those planned and unplanned moments of summer! And happy birthday too!

  12. David Benbow says:

    Wi nøt trei a høliday in Sweden this yer?
    See the løveli lakes
    The wonderful telephøne system
    And mani interesting furry animals
    Including the majestic møøse

  13. Enjoy every precious moment of it!
    10 weeks? how do working parents juggle that one along? Am I right that the employees holiday allowance isn’t huge in the US?

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