Women who changed the world

Rachel’s funeral is today, and I woke up thinking about her. About her enormous contribution to our BC blogging world. About how many people’s lives are better because of her. About how she spoke from the heart, with tremendous passion, and a healthy dose of snarkiness. About how even as this vicious disease consumed her, she wanted things to change, and was willing to type one-handed and battle multiple symptoms & side-effects to get her message across.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

Margaret Mead.

Margaret Sanger.

Harriet Tubman.

Joan of Arc.

Sojourner Truth.

Dorothea Dix.

Emmeline Pankhurst.

Rosa Parks.

All of these women fought tirelessly and valiantly for their cause, whether it be women’s rights, health care, or basic human rights. All of these women became noted cultural icons because of their deep belief in their cause. They risked a lot of promote and further their ideas, and the world is a better place because they did.

It was Margaret Mead who said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

To this list of thoughtful, committed citizens who have changed the world, I add one more name: Rachel Cheetham Moro.

Our loss is tremendous. Our gratitude to her runs deep. Our hearts are full of emotion. Our minds are consumed with thoughts of her, of this disease. Our focus is singular. Our dedication is renewed.

RIP, Rachel. And thank you.

12 Comments on “Women who changed the world”

  1. carole76051 says:

    Beautifully spoken/written, Nancy. You too are making a difference in the world.

  2. Gorgeous and fitting tribute to Rachel today – I use that Margaret Mead quote when I give talks on breast cancer advocacy – I truly believe it!

  3. Eddie says:

    I have always like that Margaret Mead quote. I use it frequently to try to convince apathetic students they can make a difference if the want to do so. I am astounded by the heart’s ability to expand its carrying capacity. There have been times when I was sure I had no more room in my heart to care about anyone else; that it was too full and hurt too much. Then I hear about someone like Rachel and I once again care. It hurts, and yet I am glad for the ache because not feeling, not caring frightens me more. I grieve for your loss and thank you for sharing her story with me. Although posthumously, her words and spirit move and inspire me.

  4. hjelmstd says:

    I had put this poem on Marie’s Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer site, but would like to share it here, too. I only recently found Rachel and her blog (through Marie), but I will miss such a strong voice, too.

    With Right of Survivorship (To Ann)

    Hard it is to lose a friend
    whose dying could foretell my end

    and hard it is to pick up strands
    of living, when those other hands

    are stilled which often soothed my brow
    and gave me courage up to now.

    There is no way to understand
    why she is gone–and I am here.

    (Excerpted from Fine Black Lines: Reflections on Facing Cancer, Fear and Loneliness, copyright 1993, 2003 by Lois Tschetter Hjelmstad, http://www.facingbreastcancer.com)

  5. jbaird says:

    So well spoken, Nancy. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to Rachel. She should indeed be included among those esteemed women for her contributions to our world, for her valiant efforts to improve the world for those punched with breast cancer. I didn’t realize she typed with one hand toward the end. So impressive. And I love the absolutely gorgeous poetry. Rachel would, too. xoxo

  6. Thank you, Nancy. Well said. Well said.

  7. Chemobabe says:

    Rachel certainly changed my world. She will always be on my list of heroic, truth-telling women. Thanks for this post.

  8. So, so true, for so many of us. Perfect quote from MM. xoxo, Kathi

  9. The collective “we” lose someone to question, someone to provide knowledge on this very jacked up subject. With every loss, the ones we hold close just get that much closer.

    Nancy – we met each other on the word “surreal” … oddly enough, we connect again on the very same word.



  10. […] on the day of Rachel’s funeral, the Pink Underbelly, is reflecting on her “enormous contribution to our BC blogging world. About how many […]

  11. […] on the day of Rachel’s funeral, the Pink Underbelly, is reflecting on Rachel’s enormous contribution to our BC blogging world. About how many […]

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