Happy hearts day!

Because I love you all so much…

today, on this day of love and hearts,

instead of ranting about the injustices of the cancer world,

here’s a small sampling

of some of my favorite things,

which I hope will make you smile

and set your heart alight

and remind you

of all that is good

and all that is right

and all that is to be cherished

Happy Valentine’s Day!

And now, one last thing:

10 Comments on “Happy hearts day!”

  1. David Benbow says:

    I LOVE IT! It put a smile on my face. (The top dog jumping through the doorway looks exactly like my dog Ringo.)


  2. Christy says:

    You know which pic was my fav…HENWWWYYYYYY!

    Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet friend šŸ™‚

    Hugs and kisses to you!!!

  3. Eddie says:

    I wasn’t going to be moved by appeal to sentiment, but the puppy carrying the stick broke me. @David, the dog jumping through the door may look like yours but is acting just like my hound Sugar.

  4. Wendy Langley says:

    Ummm…am I the only one wondering where the orange-labeled bottle might be? Perhaps it was eclipsed by the Cristal? I hope your day was full of all of the precious things you love.

  5. jbaird says:

    Such cute pictures!!! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too, although it’s almost over, even on the West Coast.

  6. Stacey says:

    That totally put a smile on my face! Thanks for that. Hope you had a great day.

  7. Mandi says:

    You had me at puppies…

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